Curriculum Vision
At Bridgtown Primary we acknowledge the uniqueness of all children, their ability to be creative and challenged, to celebrate their diversity, cultures and talents. We have high expectations and challenge them to be confident, happy and reach their full potential. To help them achieve this, we ensure that our curriculum provides the knowledge and skills through an active approach to learning to achieve pupil independence. At Bridgtown Primary we provide an extensive curriculum that allows opportunities to explore, practise and consolidate knowledge. We encourage children to transfer and apply these skills to real life situations. We teach our curriculum according to the individual needs of our children, promoting rich vocabulary, extending knowledge and wherever possible relate this to their immediate locality.
At Bridgtown Primary we follow the National Curriculum. Teachers select appropriate topics and translate their implementation using their own individuality. They take into account:
- The children’s prior knowledge
- Vocabulary enrichment
- Life experiences
- Individual needs
- Useful and powerful knowledge.
- Use of knowledge organisers
The implementation of the curriculum takes a variety of forms; this could be through whole class lessons, group work and practical activities including child initiated themes.
We implement a progressive skills based curriculum; this is achieved through individual subjects being mainly taught through a theme. Science, RE, PSHE, ICT, Digital Literacy and Art are sometimes taught discretely.
The wider curriculum is addressed through assemblies, participation in lunchtime and after school clubs, links with the local community including the Rotarians and the Historical Society. We acknowledge the contribution of parents and carers and actively encourage them to work in partnership with us to help their child achieve their goals.
We evaluate the impact of our curriculum by:
- Monitoring shows that children are actively engaged and are able to think flexibly and creatively.
- Children’s books reflect the transfer of skills learnt through cross curricular application.
- Knowledge organisers enable children to obtain and retain knowledge and skills.
- Pupil voice reflects enjoyment and a thirst for learning.
- The learning attitudes shown by the children are very good as they are motivated and engaged in their learning. Comments are often received by visitors to the school and when on visits confirming this.
- Our cross curricular approach enables children to transfer skills within different curriculum areas.
- Regular pupil progress meetings, coupled with data review and analysis provides evidence of both progress and attainment, this includes end of Key Stage academic success.
- In house, cluster and county moderation processes ensure consistency.
- Sharing successes with parents during Inspire sessions.